Warning: The originals photos, texts, films, music, etc ... of the period previous to 1921 year - see the Act of the US Congress about it - have no copyright and belong to the public domain. However, those same pictures, I process this blog, when I restore and paint the pictures, then the right of modification is produced, ie that are protected by full copyright law, in this case mine. Of course there are many more laws in the world, declared in the public domain photographs (which is the topic at hand), in very later dates to the aforementioned (Example: WWII, Korea, etc ...).

07 August 2019

Austro-Hungarian Anti-Aircraft Vehicle Ehrhardt-Skoda 8-cm L/35.

Austro-Hungarian Anti-Aircraft Vehicle Ehrhardt-Skoda 8-cm L/35. 
(Registration number: A.XII.592)

Note: Observe the two curved masts on the vehicle, the one on the right with an electric lamp installed, which would facilitate the night air defense.

Deployed, along with other pieces, for the antiaircraft defense of an important industrial zone, in the area of the 12th Army.
This equipped with two electric lamps, whose illumination of the combat chamber, would facilitate the crew the possibility of night anti-aircraft combat. I have seen in other Austro-Hungarian anti-aircraft guns, in photographs taken in 1918, the same lamps for night shooting, so the scene I present here must be of that same year or the end of 1917. Dates that also coincide with the increase in aerial raids and the allied capacity to carry out night bombers to "strategic" areas, in 1917-1918.


Vehículo Antiaéreo Austro-Húngaro Ehrhardt-Skoda 8-cm L/35. 
(Número de matrícula: A.XII.592)

Nota: Obsérvense los dos mástiles curvos sobre el vehículo, el de la derecha con una lámpara eléctrica instalada, que facilitarían la defensa antiaérea nocturna.

Desplegado, junto a otras piezas, para la defensa antiaérea de una importante zona industrial, en el área del 12º Ejército.
Ésta equipado con dos lámparas eléctricas, cuya iluminación de la cámara de combate, facilitaría a la tripulación la posibilidad del combate antiaéreo nocturno. He visto en otros cañones antiaéreos austro-húngaros, en fotografías tomadas en 1918, las mismas lámparas para el tiro nocturno, por lo que la escena que aquí presento, debe de ser de ese mismo año o de finales de 1917. Fechas que también coinciden con el incremento de las incursiones aéreas y la capacidad aliada de realizar bombarderos nocturnos a zonas "estratégicas", en 1917-1918.

Russian armored car Austin Type 2 in a workshop behind the front. Spring of 1917.

03 August 2019

System Merker Armored Car, Model 1912. Carnival parade: «The Peace Congress in Haag». Germany 1912

System Merker Armored Car, Model 1912 
Carnival parade: «The Peace Congress in Haag»
Germany 1912


Panzerauto, System Merker (Modell 1912) 
Fastnachtsumzug 1912: «Der Friedenskongress in Haag»
Deutschland 1912 


Coche Blindado Sistema Merker, Modelo 1912
Desfile de Carnaval: «El Congreso de la Paz en Haag»
Alemania 1912