Warning: The originals photos, texts, films, music, etc ... of the period previous to 1921 year - see the Act of the US Congress about it - have no copyright and belong to the public domain. However, those same pictures, I process this blog, when I restore and paint the pictures, then the right of modification is produced, ie that are protected by full copyright law, in this case mine. Of course there are many more laws in the world, declared in the public domain photographs (which is the topic at hand), in very later dates to the aforementioned (Example: WWII, Korea, etc ...).

24 June 2018

Daimler chassis Model 1913. Chassis for anti-aircraft vehicles armed with Krupp guns.

Daimler chassis Model 1913.

Also used in 1914 as a "rare antiaircraft transition vehicle" armed with a 7.7-cm L / 27 Krupp cannon.
Chassis for anti-aircraft vehicles armed only with Krupp guns of other calibers.
Few manufactured units, some models without cannon were used during the war as tractors in the Flak units.


Chasis Daimler Modelo 1913.

También se usó (al menos uno de ellos), en 1914, como un "raro vehículo antiaéreo de transición" armado con un cañón Krupp de 7,7 cm L /27, tipo BaK .
Se trataba de un chasis fabricado, específicamente, para su uso como "vehículo antiaéreo".
Estaban armados únicamente con cañones de la marca Krupp, pero de características distintas de los estándares utilizados durante la Gran Guerra y descritos arriba.
Se fabricaron muy pocas unidades. Algunos modelos sin cañón fueron utilizados durante la guerra como tractores en las unidades Flak.
Adviértase que la cubierta del motor (capó) estaba blindada.